Ministry of Social Development calls on all young people to contribute to country’s development in the Year of Youth

At the opening of the Year of Youth, the Head of State instructed to elaborate a roadmap for the development of youth and family. Vice Minister of Social Development Zhuldyz Omarbekova told about the ongoing work in this direction in an interview for the official site.

The Roadmap for the Year of Youth is aimed at creating conditions for the realization and development of the potential of young people, increasing their level of competitiveness in all spheres of public life. The draft Roadmap consists of activities in four areas: affordable and quality education, availability of work, housing and the ability to start a family.

“The Head of State explained very well about the structure of the Roadmap at the opening of the Year of Youth. These are four issues that have always been worrying and, probably, in the future, youth will always be worried about: education, employment, housing, as well as support for a young family. These four questions that the President instructed us to pay attention to in creating the Roadmap. A lot of measures in this direction were envisaged by the Government,” said the vice minister.

Also Omarbekova called on all youth representatives in 2019 to take an active part in the development of the country.

“At the forum, the Head of State said that we brought up a good generation of young people — patriotic, loving. Our youth is very educated. Many of them graduated from different universities in the world. We, as the Ministry of Social Development, urge all young people in the Year of Youth to make their contribution to the development of the country. We are launching the campaign ‘My Contribution to the Year of Youth for the Development of our Country.” The most important thing is to study well, to try to work, to contribute to the economy of Kazakhstan. For those who want to work — there is work. For those who want to learn, all conditions are also created. Kazakhstan is a country of great opportunities,” noted Omarbekova.

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